Just for the Fun of It

When I started this Art Pilgrimage, I didn't have any rationale I understood. It was just for the fun of it.
And that is why I am reading things like this enormous book on Art History. I can't give you a single good reason for it. I have no plans to be a curator, an art historian, an art history teacher.
When do we stop doing things just for the fun of it? When do we begin doing everything in life for "a reason"?
I don't know. But I'm done with that. I really am.
But here's the strange thing. There have been "outcomes" connected to my pilgrimage. Ones I didn't foresee. Ones that go past amorphous (and wonderful) happenings like personal satisfaction and spiritual awakening.
In a convoluted path that would take too much room to explain, the Pilgrimage led to a poetry book. Then someone wanted to buy one of the art pieces I posted here (I gave it away... why not? :) And, most recently, another piece was chosen for an art show in Germany. Um, what?
I am not saying all this to try to impress you (we have a different kind of relationship than that, I hope). I am saying all this to give you a nudge. Are there things you've been wanting to do "just because"? Do they seem frivolous, out-of-place, hard to justify or explain?
All the better. These are deep places. Why not... jump in.
Labels: art pilgrimage, change, spiritual growth