
Empty Tent

Thinking of Joy. How hard to bear that name, in the midst of sadness. Perhaps the way it was hard for Abraham (Hebrew: Av-ra-ham) to bear the name Av, meaning father, for all those years when his tent was empty of childish laughter.

Thinking of Joy, in her sorrow.

And asking You to hold her close, near Your own heart that knows well the tragedy of losing a Son... knows well the empty tent... the silenced laughter.

Thinking of Joy.

Thinking of You.

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Blogger Kaye said...

I have entered her situation into my Mr. Linky for today. Thank you for this information. My prayers will be with their family during this tragically difficult time.

Please come over and include any needs you may have that could use some prayer.

Blogger Power Up Love said...

I invite you to visit www.PowerUpLove.com a community of real people sharing real stories about how Love (God) has really impacted and changed their lives.


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