
Color God

What were you thinking
when you forged scarlet,
birthed purple
from the bowels
of the universe?
Pink was a no-brainer,
soft and innocent
lavender would greet
the mornings, whisper,
"hope, hope" even
when death
shadowed the doorway.
Green would be life
ever lasting to
counter our ways (hemlocks,
white pine, ivy, fern).
Brown, a reminder
of where we began.
Black, the night to hold forth
diamonds. White, the sea foam
and clouds ethereal. But what
were you thinking
when you forged scarlet, birthed
purple, into our sight...

This is an offering for the writing project going on over at Seedlings in Stone.

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Blogger Joelle said...

Yes, Color Guru, what were You thinking? Lips, wine, blood, roses, bruises and welts, anger, passion. Or did You think a color and all this came into being? If only we could see the far reaches of the spectrum in addition to this narrow slice our eyes serve us. What other dream do You dream in? And what would those look like if we associated them with Your tangible hopes?

Blogger Bought as is said...

Yes, oh God. To see what You see. Nothing is more peaceful than to sit in the middle of Your living forest paintings with You. [even if neither of us speaks]

Blogger Marcus Goodyear said...

Brown, a reminder
of where we began.
Black, the night to hold forth
diamonds. White, the sea foam

My favorites lines.

And also wonderful is the link to Whitman's lament for Lincoln.

Blogger Unknown said...

Green would be life everlasting to counter our ways...I like this line especially. Seeing and thinking from His perspective, getting glimpses of God's glory in everything.


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