
Mind Reader

I drive across town, alongside the river, and I think...

My life is changing, with the force and volume of the Midwest floods. How can I see the landmarks anymore, drowned as they are in the passion of the water?

I feel like it would be easy to be carried away, lose my bearings, end up downstream in places I cannot understand or navigate. The pace of my heart quickens.

A little thought comes that maybe it is time to find a priest of sorts, a place to talk, to be, to find anchor — rather than resorting to burying myself in some safe spot underground. What credit is it to you? I can almost hear You saying, if you burrow and deny? That too causes darkness, isolation.

Okay, I say. But where do I begin? What ears, what heart, what hands can I trust to handle my soul, save You?

When I get home, You have answered me in my in-box. A friend has, for reasons unrelated to my silent struggle, recommended that I find a spiritual director. And she's given me a trusted name, a place to start.

Mind-reader God, how dear You are to me.

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Blogger christianne said...

mmmm . . . i loved this post, ll. it feels so tactile, the floods and the burrowing, the conversation and the email, the prayer and the mind-reading. what an amazing, providing God we have. so glad for you to have located a need in your soul and to have discovered the way God is helping to meet it.

Blogger nannykim said...

Ohhhhh, love that about God--how he often answers before we even ask---what an amazingly intimate God we have--when I look at pictures from the Space Hubble thing I am blown away. Then when I look at the utter greatness of the universe and its beauty and tie that in with reflections of how intimate God is with me, I am astounded!!! What a God we serve!!!


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